Sunday, May 8, 2011


I know it's been a while since I've blogged. Besides being busy, Blogger has been giving me some issues upon sign in. Anyway!!!!! I just wanted to take this moment to wish all the Mommy's that read my blog a Happy Mother's Day!  Mother's have one of the toughest jobs out there; one job I'm not sure I'll ever be ready for.  So to all those mother's, I'd like to thank you on behalf of everyone by saying, "You're Awesome, Wonderful & Amazing!" and "Keep up the good work."

A special thank you to my own mother who has taught me how to be strong, independent, patient, kind and honest woman.  When I think I can't do something, like even pass my drivers test (which I did last July), I look to my mother who has over come more obstacles than any person should ever be put through.  She is the epitome of what a woman with grace and beauty, in all ways, is.  I love you mother and I hope you know that you're not only my mother, you're my best friend and the reason I strive to be better in everything that I do.  Thank you for giving me life and being there for all 28 years of it.

Me & My Mother

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